Oil Skimmers + Mist CollectorS

Oil Skimmers

Oil skimmers are essential to the health of your machine and it’s operators because they help to remove the tramp oil from your machine’s coolant. They come in a variety of different types including belt, disk, and tube. Let TankServ360 help you decide on the best oil skimmer for your machine today!


Photo courtesy of zebra skimmers

Photo courtesy of zebra skimmers

Mist Collectors

Control oil mist and smoke in your machine shop with the mist collectors and recovery systems. They can increase shop safety, reduce costs, and increase your machines productivity.

The Royal Filtermist Mist Collector is specifically designed for the metal working industry. It is available in 4 different sizes and are compatible with almost every machine!

Coolbit’s Oil Mist Recovery systems are proven to improve the environment of the machine shop, reduce electricity consumption, and save on maintenance costs.

www.royalproducts.com www.coolbit.cn

photo of royal filtermist courtesy of royal products

photo of royal filtermist courtesy of royal products

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